Startup School
Are you passionate about tech? Do you have a sense for entrepreneurship? Want to launch your own startup and actively shape the future of digital transformation as well as expand your entrepreneurial talents? The Founders Foundation Startup School is the ideal entry point into the startup scene.
From Zero to Startup in 10 Weeks
In our Startup School, we bring together complementary talents, teach them the relevant basics, help them developed their entrepreneurial mindsets, and pave the road for the launch of their own startup.
International experts and leading figures from the startup scene support the Startup School attendants during the program, provide them with honest feedback, and give them perspective for their business ideas.
Twice a year
10 week part-time program, at night and on weekends
Fixed starting and ending date
Hybrid (online & on-site in Bielefeld)
20 hours a week
Program language: German
Singular talents with an entpreneurial mindset
Teams with a business idea in its early phase
Startup Basics
Team Matching
Validated business idea
& complementary team of co-founders.
Next Batch:
October 2025 - December 2025
Apply for the Startup SChool #18!
Clear some space in your schedule and start your journey with us!
Application deadline for the Startup School #18 is 24. February 2025.
Hint: Application only in German!
Solltest Du noch keine passende Idee für Dein B2B Tech Startup haben, kannst Du an einer exklusiven Challenge teilnehmen und diese in unserem Programm gemeinsam mit Mentor:innen entwickeln. Vermerke einfach in den #Last Words Deiner Bewerbung, dass Du die Challenge gerne angehen möchtest!
Wie können Bewerber:innen auf der Recruiting-Plattform spielerisch herausfinden, welcher Beruf zu ihnen passt und wie können wir gleichzeitig auch mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf unbekannte Berufe lenken? Wie kann dieser Ansatz auch die Attraktivität von Hettich als Arbeitgeber stärken?
Program Contents
Idea Block
In our Idea Block you will learn how to evaluate what characterizes a successful business idea, how to find out if there is a market and demand for the idea, and which components are necessary to build a successful team.
14. & 15.03.2025
Building Block
Once you have completed the Building Block, you will know what the first version of your solution looks like, how to achieve that milestone, and how you can best approach and win over customers for your solution.
11. & 12.04.2025
Growth Block
In topic-specific workshops you will learn about the most important metrics of your business idea, how to systematically record and improve them, and which options you have to finance your startup.
02. & 03.05.2025
Final Pitch Day
The Final Pitch Day is the grand finale of Startup School. You and your team get to present your startup idea in front of a huge audience. A jury of investors and corporate representatives grades the pitches and chooses the winning team. The winning teams of the Final Pitch Day does not only reap honor & glory but free tickets to the Hinterland of Things Conference 2023 and a scholarship for the Founders Foundation Lab.
Alle Programminhalte hier als Download!
Program Benefits
Vernetze Dich mit ambitionierten Talenten mit der gleichen Mission und wachse gemeinsam mit ihnen. Die Teilnahme an unserer Startup School ist ein richtungsweisender Schritt auf dem Weg hin zu einem starken Team. Wir bringen Top-Talente zusammen und unterstützen sie dabei, ihr Skillset und ihre Interessen zu definieren. So entstehen starke, komplementär aufgestellte Gründerteams.
Du erhältst alle Informationen und Fähigkeiten, die Du brauchst, um ein erfolgreiches B2B Tech-Startup aufzubauen und Dich in der internationalen Startup-Szene zu etablieren. In 10 Wochen wirst Du lernen, was es wirklich bedeutet, den Problem Solution-Fit zu erreichen und den Grundstein dafür zu legen, Umsatz und Investitionen in Dein Startup zu ermöglichen.
Die Founders Foundation Startup School ist als berufsbegleitendes Programm konzipiert, sodass Du ganz einfach neben Deiner aktuellen Haupt-Tätigkeit teilnehmen kannst. Das Programm setzt sich aus wechselnden online- und onsite Sessions zusammen. Alle Sessions finden unter der Woche nach der Arbeit, abends oder an Wochenenden statt.
Du wirst von den Besten lernen. Alle Dozent:innen der Startup School sind erfahrene Unternehmer:innen, Investor:innen und Startup-Expert:innen, wie unser Program Director Prof. Dr. Jan Brinckmann, der zu den Top 5 Entrepreneurship-Professoren weltweit gehört und Leiter des MBA-Studiengangs an der ESADE Barcelona ist.
Die Founders Foundation im Herzen des deutschen Mittelstands ist der perfekte Ort, um erfolgreiche technologiebasierte B2B-Unternehmen aufzubauen. Denn unsere Region mit zahlreichen Hidden-Champions im deutschen Mittelstand und Weltmarktführern in der direkten Nachbarschaft bietet spannende Kontaktpunkt für mögliche Kooperationen, Kundenbeziehungen oder Investor:innen.
Du bekommst du Zugang zu unserer Slack Community, in der bereits über 170 spannende Talente und Alumni aus der Gründerszene Ostwestfalen-Lippe aktiv sind. Als eine der führenden Organisationen für Startup-Ausbildung in Deutschland und gut vernetzt in der internationalen Startup-Szene bietet dir die Founders Foundation darüber hinaus natürlich spannenden Zugang zu unserem Netzwerk aus hochqualifizierten Mentor:innen und Expert:innen, Industriepartner:innen, Business Angels und VCs.
Co-Founder Matching
Link up with other ambitious talents who share your mission so that you can grow together. Participating in our Startup School is a groundbreaking step on the way to assemble a strong founder team. We bring together top talents and support them with exploring their skillsets and interests. And that is how strong complementarily set up teams of founders emerge.
Startup Knowhow
You will acquire all the information and skills that you need to build a successful B2B tech startup and establish yourself in the international startup scene. In the course of 10 weeks you will find out achieving the Problem-solution fit really entails and lay the groundwork for your startup to generate sales and receive investments.
Top-tier Experts
All lecturers of Startup School are experienced entrepreneurs and startup experts, such as our Program Director Dr. Jan Brinckmann who is among the global top 5 entrepreneurship professors and the coordinator of the MBA course at ESADE Barcelona.
For all Stages of Life
Startup School is designed to be job-compatible. You can easily participate while still pursuing your current activities. The program comprises online and on-site sessions in regular rotation. All sessions (both online and on-site) take place after work hours during the week or on weekends.
Community Access
You get access to our Slack community with more than 170 exciting talents and alumni from the founder scene in the OWL region. As one of the leading organisations in startup training in Germany and with solid connections to the international startup scene, the Founders Foundation additionally offers you access to our network of highly qualified mentors and experts, partners in various industries, business angels, and VCs.
B2B Expertise & Network
The Founders Foundation is the perfect place to start building successful tech-based B2B companies. The countless Hidden Champions from the German Mittelstand and global leaders right next door represent exciting points of contact for possible joint ventures, customer relationships, or investments.
Testimonials From Our Participants
Many successful ideas had their start in the Startup School. This is what the alumni are saying about our program.
Not only did I met my co-founder Nick in the Startup School, I was also able to build a strong network of inspiring founders, startup experts and investors.
In the Startup School, I met my two co-founders Dennis and Ingo – we are still running a successful company together. Without the Founders Foundation, many things would have been impossible for us. I can only highly recommend the Startup School.
In the Startup School, you get to take part in valuable workshops with international top experts such as Jan Brinckmann. Other people must attend the best universities for that and spent a small fortune. You get the same experience in the Startup School, but without any cost.
This Is What Qualifies You For the Program
Stay Tuned For the Next Startup School
Are you ready to put all your passion into innovative business ideas and find your perfect co-founder? Take the first step and apply for our Startup School!
Frequently Asked Questions
The program aims at participants with big ideas and ambitions but who do not know everything yet that there is to know about startups and building businesses. Other important traits are an innovative mindset, a “can do”-attitude, a creative drive, and a pioneering spirit.
Startup School is a 10-week part-time program with a fixed starting and ending date happening twice a year. The program contents are taught in both physical and digital workshop formats.
The focus of teaching is elementary startup knowhow in the fields finances, team building, and product development. Next to acquiring knowledge, team matching is an important aspect to create strong complementary teams of founders.
Startup School aims to match complementary teams of founder with each other and find ideas for a possible startup launch.
First, you fill out your application form (takes 15 minutes). If you reach the second stage you will be invited to a one-way video interview (15 minutes) via email. Once we have sighted all applications you will receive a definitive response whether you will be accepted into the next round of the program.
Once you have completed Startup School, you will receive a certificate that certifies your participation and details your specific learnings.
If the validation of your team’s business idea was positive and shows real potential we won’t abandon you, of course. You will be able to qualify for the Founders Foundation LAB where will continue assisting with the development of your startup. Additionally, you will have the chance to apply for the full-time accelerator program.
No. Every talented founder that manages to convince us and is accepted by our in-house jury receives a full grant worth 3.000 € for Startup School. In other words: We do not charge an entry fee! In return we expect nothing less than your full commitment and an attendance quota of 85%. This is your chance. Excuses like “I had no time” or “But my job …” won’t make your startup grow. Commitment is everything!
Yes, the program takes place primarily in the evenings and on weekends. That way, you will be able to see to your other duties and still participate as best as you can. The expected time you need to invest per week is around 20 hours.
We want you to connect with each other and be able to learn efficiently. But we also want our participants to be safe and stay healthy. Naturally, we will heed the current regulations of state and federal government on handling covid. If it is no longer possible to host on-site sessions we will switch to a remote program, meaning all sessions will be run via zoom.
IT/technical/software skills are not strictly necessary because a person never starts alone, at least in our philosophy. The very first step of Startup School is matching complementary talents so that every hacker is matched with a hustler and/or hunter. A complementary and nimble team is one of the top 3 factors of sucess when launching a company. What you should consider a pre-requisite for joining the program is to know your own strengths and be aware of missing competencies.
Your Supporters
Profit from our unique network of top-class businesspeople, international experts and leading figures from the startup scene.
Dr. Jan Brinckmann
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy
ESADE Barcelona
Kristina Walcker-Mayer
Jana Görs
Any Questions?
Our Program Manager Liesa-Marie Ellerbrok is happy to answer all your questions about the Startup School.
Online Info Meetup 08.03.
Our digital info meetup on March 8 is your chance to get to know Founders Foundation and specifically the Startup School #14 program.
We invite you to take a look behind the scenes of our education program. Whether you’re an individual talent or a team, meet us on March 8 via Zoom and ask us all your questions.
Ideation Workshops
Every successful startup starts with a good idea. The million-dollar question: How do you find an idea that you can be passionate about and that also breaks through any ceiling? Only in very rare cases these ideas are born from a single moment of sudden inspiration. Much more often, they are the result of a well-structured process. In our ideation workshops, we will develop this process together with every single workshop having a specific focus.
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