The last weekend finally brought back our annual Hinterland Hack. Once more, we were able to help entrepreneurs solve real industry problems through our B2B startup ecosystem.
Hinterland Hack Challenges
From 17 to 19 September, seven well-known companies out of the OWL region issued challenges to project teams comprised of tech talents from all over Germany:
- Phoenix Contact | a transparent carbon footprint
- Miele | BBQ ecosystem for 2030
- Dr. Oetker | Dr. Oetker World 2.0: Create a future-oriented brand experience for the Dr. Oetker Germany brand
- Heinz Nixdorf Institute| virtual assistant for the identification of system user interfaces
- Melitta | an emotional barista experience
- Poppe+Potthoff | optimizing hydrogen distribution safety
- Dr. Wolff-Group | data-driven product development
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A Weekend Full Of Hackathon Spirit
48 hours – that was the time limit the teams had to solve the seven corporate challenges. From Friday till Sunday they had access to top mentors, corporate representatives, and our Founders Foundation team which supported the teams to their best of their abilities. Also there: Lasse Chor who once more provided a relaxed atmosphere and a positive mood – both important building blocks for such a challenging weekend.
Another building block: workshops like pitch training for the solution day and the opportunity to make pre-pitches. As expected, all teams were highly motivated and made the very best use of their time in the Founders Home.
The Grand Final: Solution Day
Solution (Sun)Day: After 48 hous of intense hacking and a thousand considered ideas, the 13 teams presented their solutions in a bid for the title Winner of the Hinterland Hack. Part of the prize package: 5.000€ (3000€ of which sponsored by Slack) prize money and a unique trophy.
After a shared breakfast on Sunday morning, the teams started their final sprints. They had one last opportunity to consult the mentor’s and corporate’s experience and refine their pitches. At 14:00, the time had come: The 13 teams pitched their ideas and solutions and faced the questions of the jury. The whole event was broadcast per livestream due to a restricted amount of participants on-site. The results were worth seeing – many innovative and creative ideas densely packed into 13 mindblowing pitches.
Team #2 working on the Dr.Wolff challenge prevailed against the competition. With their idea of a software-as-a-service tool “Valydia” that allows companies to pre-evaluate products before production and collect data from a potential target group in advance, the team was able to convince the jury. The ace pitch performance of the team’s presenter did its own part.
All in all, the Hinterland Hack 2021 provided for an exciting and intense weekend. We look forward to next year!
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