Fixed work hours, clearly defined responsibilities, and the certainty of having your salary save in your bank account at the end of every month. A comforting thought, isn’t it? Let’s be honest though: Haven’t you dreamed of all the adventures and advantages waiting for you with your very own company?
We’ll give you a few ideas which crucial advantages are entailed when you launch your own startup. Our Startup School provides you with the full support of the Founderation so that you can launch your own startup – with a well thought-out business idea and co-founders that are perfect for you.
1. Becoming Self-Employed Means Finding Personal Fulfillment
By becoming self-employment by way of launching your own startup you create the perfect space for finding personal fulfillment and working on things you are actually passionate about. Before doing that, you should think deeply about what you are burning for and what kind of things truly motivate you. Interests, hobbies, but also skills you have acquired or which you enjoy. These anchor points can guide you towards step by step towards a suitable business idea. By using the problem-solution-fit principle, you can test whether your idea is useful for a startup launch.
In our Startup School, we validate your business idea together and lay the foundation for a successful startup launch.
By applying these ideas, you will manage to use your ideas the best possible way, realize your full potential, and work passionately on your idea every day.
“If you love what you do, you’ll never work another day in your life!”
It is extremely fulfilling to make something happen that you are passionate about. So, walk the talk and realize the ideas you’ve been talking about for so long or which have been bouncing around in your head for a while.
Maybe you will be successful. The best possible foundation you are laying automatically by being on fire for the thing you are enjoying. In case you don’t want to walk that path alone, you can always find a suitable co-founder for your project.
2. Contribute to Society
Most founders in Germany (81.9%) state that their principal intention, the reason for their decision, is to launch a profitable venture. However, for around 8 of 10 startups (76%) which the German Startup Monitor interviewed in their 2021 publication a positive impact on society and environment are also a crucial factor.
This, for example, includes the will to find solutions for challenges that all of society are faced with, A special focus currently is the challenge of creating sustainability. Consequently, protection of the environment and societal responsibility are also a core goal of many startups interviewed by the German Startup Monitor. Through their innovation, founders are doing real pioneer work in the field of sustainability.
To further an idea that improves the lives of many different people and helps advance an important societal goal is probably the highest aspiration you can have for your work. Could that be the kind of intrinsic motivation that motivates you to go freelance with your own business idea and launch a startup?
3. Becoming Self-Employed Means Becoming Self-Reliant
A truly decisive component of the question whether you want to become self-employed or stay employed is the aspect of independence – which self-employment definitely entails, one way or the other.
Want to sleep in today or spontaneously go see a city next week? By being self-employed, you give yourself the opportunity to choose your workplace and working hours. You are no longer shackled to an office or pre-determined working hours. If you become self-employed you have the liberty to keep your own schedule.
A warning though: If your co-workers keep signalling you that it’s time to stop working or your boss asks you to take your remaining vacation days, this kind of freedom can lead to exhaustion. If you are highly motivated and ambitious and you have high expectations for your productivity, a 40 hours week can quickly turn into a 60 or 80 hour week. Take care, that your freedom doesn’t become a burden and you keep a good work-life-balance. Mental health is also an important topic for founders.
In this context, independence also means that you are at liberty to be your own boss. On average, we get told what we are supposed to do from the very start of our life – by our parents, by our school, in our (university) studies, in our work. By becoming self-employed, you are shrugging off the shackles of an externally determined lifestyle and starting to think about your own ideas and goals. Discover what you really want to do and allow yourself the freedom to do it.
Financial independence also plays a role in these considerations. Be careful with this type of aspiration though. Don’t become self-employed because you’re after a quick buck. That is a goal that has no guarantuee of being fulfilled. The journey is . Don’t work for the money but for the idea that you are really passionate about. Launching a company should never be a self-serving decision or because it’s the popular thing to do at the moment. You really should only become self-employed because you want to make your idea happen.
So, you see that, apart from personal fulfilment and contributing to society, independence is the strongest aspect of self-employment. By becoming self-employed, you will continuously build up inner strength. You will learn something new every day and develop your skills. You will make the decision to lead your life on your own terms far away from prescribed career paths or opinions. That way, you will, step by step, achieve the highest calling of self-employment: your own independence.
Start your journey to personal indepedence
So, you like the advantages of being self-employed by way of startup launch? In the follow-up article we’ll show you which skill- and mindset you need to successfully realize your business idea.